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Audience with the Pope

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

Today (Wed 5 October) we were back at the Vatican for the Papal audience in St Peters square. We were seated up on the main level the same as the Pope. We were mentioned in his opening welcome speech. We left Beda college at about 7.30am to travel into the Vatican on a packed metro train for a 9am audience. There was maybe about five thousand people in the audience, there were groups of bands playing in front of the stage before and after the audience. After a short reflection for the day and prayers and translations in about 8 different languages Pope Francis then met with about 200 people from dignitaries to the disabled, priests and religious and also married couples. Unfortunately none of our group were granted this privilege. At the conclusion of the audience the Pope got into his 'Pope mobile' and was driven off back to his accommodation. This is when I was able to get the close up photos of him.

I have the Popes reflection for the day that I am trying to post. It was about discerning God's call for our lives and it focused on the practice of nightly meditation of our days work and activities.

Entering into St Peters square.

Where we were seated, unfortunately our view of the Pope was obstructed by the roof support.

Pope meeting with people, starting with bishops.

Looking out to the audience.

Bands that were playing in front of the stage, a Portuguese band.

Austrian band.


On duty, a Swiss guard.

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